Imatra's biggest sight is the one in a picture: Imatrankoski rapids. It's actually the oldest tourist sight in Finland. Already in 1772 the Russian empress Catherine the Great visited Imatra in order to see the rapids. Powerplant was built in 1929 and that's why the channel is dry like this mot of the time. During the summer the dam is opened every might at seven o'clock for 20 minutes. It's a powerful and very impressive! I've seen it many, many, many times but I never get bordered to that!

Can you see the cable wire? People were sliding on it to the other side. It looked scary! I would like to be brave enough to do it myself but I think I might chicken out!

Along the river banks of Imatrankoski there is a park called Kruununpuisto (two last pictures from the park). It was established in 1842. There are sightseeing pavilions, dozens of giant's cauldrons, signatures engraved in the rock by visitors, magnificent ‘Jugendstil' Hotel Imatran Valtionhotelli (the first picture), the power plant and Imatra's summer teather in the park area. This year the summer teather is having a play called Kruununpuisto. It tells about life in the beginning of 20th century in Imatra. I went to see it with Jonna and we both enjoyed it. Jonna mainly because there was a real horse in a play!

I hope your move goes well. I have really enjoyed your pictures. Finland is a beautiful country!
leo and i were at the castle your first picture shows - and we saw the ravine (tho' it was empty at the time) ... and then there was this beautiful lake that had swans in it ... i remember loving Imatra! thank you for the good memories these pictures evoked ...
hope you settle in quickly back in your home ... blessings on you!!
I agree Finland is a beautiful country. Our move went well. Now we are trying to survive living with boxes...
I'm glad you have warm memories of Imatra. So have we. Now the circle of our life in South Carelia has closed and it's nice to have fond memories from there.
Settling has started. Still plenty to do but it's also exciting. Juha has a hand surgery tomorrow. Pray with me that everything will go fine.
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