One thing I love the most in holidays is time. Time to do many things you don't have time norally. I like dong crafts. Today we went to buy
felting needles (I don't have a clue how you call them in English, help me if you can) and wool. You can see the pretty little mouse Jonna has done at school here. I decided to do easier stuff.

I made some flowers with the same cast I use for ginger bread cookies. First you fill the cast with wool and then you just stick it with that special needle and you get a felted flower (or whatever shaped cast you have)! Easy and quick and I think rather pretty too.

You can add different colours on top of the basic as many as you want. Oh, how I enjoyed doing these. Tomorrow I need to go and buy more different coloured wool and casts. Maybe I'll even try some character. Jonna stated doing a horse - OF COURSE!
i enjoyed catching up on your life! i'm glad you've had time to blog and post your wonderful pictures!
really gorgeous!
and you guys have had such a mild winter too ... my family from the tampere area, keeps saying how warm it is!
blessings on your 2007!
Thank you, Saija!
It really has been warm in here. We are waiting for the snow to come. Well, many people are happy because they don't have to shavel the snow now. :)
blessed year 2007 to you too!
Dear Maiju...It is really warm HERE in Niagara Peninsular too!
I think that that Saija is keeping all the snow out on my beloved prairies. I never did mind the snow out there. Everthing about Manitoba beautiful!!...EVERYTHING!!
As far as having snow here though, I am just as happy not to have it although I think that it is mixing up the plants.
At Miss Katy's, the Star of Bethlehem snow drops and the daffodils are starting to poke out of the warm earth and the danelions are already showing their little faces!!
The days are getting longer and spring is on the way in Welland!!....From Terry
I have been wanting to try needle felting! Your finished things are so pretty and look like fun to do. What a good idea to use cookie cutters for patterns. I have been learning to spin so have lots to needle felt with...just need to buy a needle.
Maggie ann,
you should go for it and buy the needle for felting. It's so much fun! You get nice things ready in a very little time.
I miss snow and cold weather! Here in Finland is a fear that our seals might not be able to get babies this year because of the warm weather. They normally give birth on ice and if there is no ice...
So hopefully it will freeze soon! :)
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