Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sunday church

I'm not much of a church goer. I think I haven't found a church here in Vantaa which I would feel my own. I attend a little prayer group once week and go to the church occasionally. I like Espoo international fellowship a lot but it's very far away from my home so I go there maybe 4 to 5 times a year.

Today I decided to go to a Lutheran church only two kilometers away from my home. I grew up in a pentacostal church and somehow I learned that it's the only right church for a christian. I don't think so any more. I told you earlier how God has touched me in orthodox church and God has done it in Lutheran church too many times. Today I felt God's presence very strongly in the Lutheran church of Korso.

First thing that touched me a lot was a perfomance by a violinist. He played parts of the Bach's violin concerto in H minor all through the ceremon. I am a music lover and specially the violin music and Bach's music is something very special because he composed for God's glory. I actually have the same sentence in an opening message in my cellular phone than which Bach used in his notes: Soli Deo Gloria. That should remind me that glory belongs to God in everything in my life.

I was also very happy to realize that we were going to have communion. It's something very special to me. I ended up having an "adult baptism" at the age of 14 because I wanted to have communion. Once again I was touched and couldn't help crying. It's such an beautiful moment for me to share Christ body with others and I'm always overwhelmed by the fact that He gave His body and blood for me.

Today I started thinking that maybe I found my home church. We'll see. At least I'm going to go to that church again someday. Maybe it's next sunday.


Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Hi, I found my way here from "Thro' a Glass Darkly" blog.

Glad you seemed to enjoy that Lutheran church and that you feel it could be your home church eventually. Myself, I am Baptist and felt the Lord lead me to go to my church. Pray and ask Him to lead you to the church He wants you at...maybe you've already found it though.

Saija said...

i am so comfortable in any denomination ... if the Spirit of the Lord is there, it will feel like home to me ... :o) ... i do feel sad when folks think that the body of Christ only belongs to one group ... if Jesus lives within us, we are all family ... big (hugs)