Yesterday I was in peat sauna with six of my friends. It was my fourth time and I love it! In peat sauna you first warm up in sauna then you put peat all over you as you can see in the picture and then go to sauna again. You let the peat work in you for about 20-30 minutes and then it's time to wash it off. After that you go to sauna once again now with some honey all over you. Then the play is over.
Peat sauna leaves your skin very smooth and soft and you feel very relaxed. I slept like a baby the next night and my skin still feels just wonderful. I can recommend peat sauna to everyone. The only problem is that the lady who gives the peat sauna is moving away from Finland and she didn't know anyone who would continue her work. Hopefully someone will start doing it. I love the effect on my skin, the quality time with other ladies and the possibility to make a mess and someone else will clean it. Aren't we grazy we Finns? Sauna is definetaly very essential part of our culture.
i don't think i have ever had a peat sauna ... not that i can remember, that's for sure! and yes, sauna & suomi are hand in hand ... i miss not having one in our house - but when i get the need to relax, i go to my aunt's and enjoy ... :o)
interesting picture, Maiju - i wonder what the North Americans will make of it ...
blessings on your week!
I wonder that too. Nudity is such an different thing here in Finland because of our sauna culture. And actually I don't think I'm nude in the picture because I'm dressed up in peat. :)
as one of the six sauna-goers and first timer for peat sauna, i have to say i was really taken by the whole experience.
Not knowing what to expect, I imagined the peat you find in the swamps - clumpy, a bit smelly (though I personally like the smell of the swamp lands in finland) and well, like, dirt. What we experienced was anything but!
The peat was over 4,000 years old so supposedly from a time of purer, cleaner nature. it was as smooth as hummas or peanut butter (creamy :-) ) and mixed in was rough sea salt and honey. the combination was scentless and soothing. I felt like i was dipped in chocolate!
And the result - amazing. No matter how many times some beauty product promised smoother, softer, baby-like skin, it never quite lives up to it. The peat sauna certainly did! Ahhhhh.....
I'm so glad for the experience - thanks Maiju!
You're wellcome Peanut's mom! I really share your feelings about the peat sauna. I felt very skeptic at the first time but nothing else has ever worked so well for my skin. So I encourage all of you to try it if you get a chance!
ps- If there is anyone out there that is thinking of starting to give peat sauna for groups, let me know! I'll definately be your customer.
I've only ever been in a tradiotional suana within a gym, this sounds very interesting indeed!
God Bless.
It is interesting and worth of experiencing. We Finns have many forms for sauna so if you ever come to Finland try as many as you can!
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