Viivi likes jokes and telling them. She likes to be funny in many ways as you can see.

But there is also a more serious and thinking part in Viivi. She can be very angry at the angent ruler of China for killing so many innocent people and she wonders many things in this life.

As you already know Viivi plays the violin but she also likes to play the piano at home. Mommy is trying to teach her but I'm a lazy teacher at home. This year Viivi has had maybe ten lessons all together. Bad me!

We read a lot in our family. So Viivi enjoys reading too. She likes fairy tales and I still read her bed time stories every ones in a while. I like those moments but unfortunately I'm many times too tired in the evening for reading or just busy.

This is what Viivi bought with her birthday money. Aren't the modern legos wonderful. I wish I would have had thosein my childhood. Both our girls like them a lot and they have lots and lots of these girly legos. I think they are good toys teaching creativity and they also last long. the only problem is that vacuuming is a nightmare because you always end up vacuuming at least one of the tiny diamonds or something like that which are very important and you end up opening the vacuum cleaner and you know what comesof that... Well, that's what mothers do for their children!
Happy Birthday, Viivi, from Wisconsin, USA!
I think you have beautiful hair.
Thank you Jodi! I'll pass your greetings to Viivi. She really has a beautiful hair but she doesn't like people commenting that. :) Children! I would love someone to say nice words to me...
Happy Birthday Viivi!! Wow - she really has grown up, I still recall meeting her as a little girl of 5 in Helsinki. Hope you are enjoying your days back in Vantaa and had a joyous celebration. We're still in a bit of whirlwind, but I'll be in touch again soon.
(The legos truly are amazing. I had no idea....)
Also - unrelated, but want to share - Sofia got a very nice book from Finland as part of the exchange and my friend in Florida said the book her daughter received from Finland really made her day and made the whole exchange so special!
take care -
P & family
Thanks P!
Viivi has really grown and sometimes it feels that you realize how the time goes only watching the children grow. Ten is a nice age!
We are enjoying Vantaa already now when we know we get to go back. It has been hard year here.
We are still waiting for books in exchange... Hopefully we get some. I sent the letter in many countries in hope for getting something unique. Nice idea!
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