One thing I'm never gonna forget are the children in slums in Lima. They stole a big part of my heart! They gave me something I can't explain but it definetaly feels good.
We spent one day in Keiko Sofia playing with the local kids and interviewing them to get an idea of their lives. Most of them go to school which start at 8 o'clock and ends at 1pm. Before that many of them go to work at 5 am selling candies etc. When they come from school they have to take care of their younger siblings. Some can't go to school at all because they have to stay home and babysit younger ones.
One mother told that sometimes she has to leave her children home by themselves for the whole day while she goes to work. Children are 2, 5 and 9 years old. She said that she gives them breakfast, puts their sofas together and switches the TV on. Children spend their whole day there. It felt very bad. Our older daughter is now 10 years old and we would never leave her home alone for entire day and who would leave a 2 year old child without adult supervision for the whole day!? That mother really didn't have any other choice because they need the money for food. Fortunately she doesn't have to go to work very often.
This is s picture of a girl who carried her little sister around all the day we were their. The baby cried quite often but I think big sister had got used to it. Sometimes her friends would help the big sister in baby sitting carrieng the baby for her.
This all sounds very sad and miserable but children in Keiko Sofia weren't sad or miserable. They were full of life, laughter and caring. We had very good time with them even though we didn't have a common language. We played many games, sang some songs and spent time together. I loved hearing children call me äiti (that's mother in Finnish)! Especially one boy would come all the time to hug me. I guess adults don't have enough time for the children while they have to work in order to survive. I was so happy I was able to give my time and love to them! This experience made me really thinking if I could actually go somewhere in the world for a longer time to share my time and love with kids in need. I would love to do that! I know I would recieve more than I should give.
On the rock you can see children of keiko Sofia. Girl in front row in left is our older daughter Jonna and on top of the rock in red outfit is our younger daughter Viivi. They really enjoyed their time in Keiko Sofia. It's funny how children can get along so well without verbal communication.
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