Last weekend we spent a night in small cottage with my sister's family. My sister's husband gets to hire the cabin through his work and we've been there several times. It's situated close to a conservation area so the place is peaceful and the landscape is wonderful as you can see.
Children like the place a lot too. Even though they can't swim there (the only down side of the place) because of the shallow and muddy bed of the sea they enjoy the water in many ways. They throw stones into it, feed the fish etc. Sometimes we go rowing on a boat. We didn't do that this time.
Almost everything happens outside. The food is made there too on an open fire. That's a special treat for us who can't normally do that in town. I love the fire and would love to get a fire place at home some day. I could stare at the fire for ages...
On summertime we even eat outdoors but at this time of the year we decided to eat indoors.
After dinner we went t sauna. It was already dark. It was so nice to go outside to cool off a little and see all the stars. There was no worrying that someone might see us there all naked. We had sauna turns for women and men. The sauna is heated with wood which is the only real way of doing it. The heat is smoother and moisture that way.
The next day we got company. Juha's cousin Jaana and her son Jonni came for a visit. They stayed there for the next night. Jonni is 3 years old and Juha's sponsor child. He is cutie So on lunch we had a full house. I love that! I would love to have many children and I always enjoy the small ones around me. Well, it was a noisy lunch because the cousins had so much to tell everyone.
Jonna is peeking out of the door. She is still wearing a pyjamas at noon because she loves to read and that's what she did all morning.
Viivi in her sleeping back. She really loved to play with the sleeping back. She would hop around with it, roll in it etc.
Miska is a happy fellow. He will turn 4 in November.
Joonas is five. It was almost impossible to get a picture of him. He was busy doing his own stuff all the time and his so quick in his movements.Here is my beloved husband - the modern Viking!
awww, brought back memories ... i loved visiting Finland in September ... my family lives near a national park, so there is the beauty all around ... some of my cousins rent cottages like the one you were at, through their work too ... looks like you had a wonderfully relaxing time ... :o) i almost felt like i was at the table with you all!
You are wellcome to join our table next time you visit Finland! When have you been here for the last time?
i was in Finland 3 years ago ... 2002 (September) ... i have lots of aunts, uncles, cousins over there ... and they visit Canada as well - so we keep in touch ... my feet are definitely planted in 2 countries! and thank you for the invitation ... :o)
Maiju, that is beautiful! My brother-in-law spent summers in Finland growing up (his dad lived there, his mom in the U.S.), and I have a friend who goes there every year, but I've never had the pleasure of visiting myself. Thank you for giving us a little visit. It looks so wonderfully peaceful!
What part of Finland do your relatives live? Is there a lot of Finns around you in Canada?
Hind's feet,
thank you! If you ever happen to come to Finland I'm more than willing to be your tour quide. Finland is very dear to me and I'm always proud to show it to foreigners. I've done that quite often.
Even though I love my own country one of the best years of my life i spent in Greeley, Colorado. I would also love to move abroad for a while. Let's see if that ever happens...
my family lives around the Tampere/Parkano area ... my dad was the only one who came to Canada from his side - but half of my mom's side moved to Canada once we got here ... :o) ... there aren't too many finns in Manitoba ... but there certainly are in Thunder Bay, Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie ...
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